Thursday, January 22, 2009

Day 18.....

Well here we are folks, day 18 of James being gone from the house. I still have hair left, and the children are still alive. The sinus infection is still present in the house and hanging on for dear life. James is now in Texas heading to Utah to pick up a load for Cincinnati. Cincinnati was the closest place that he could find to get anywhere close to home, and from what I understand getting that load took 25 phone calls to Landstar today. James is at his wits end with Landstar already. Not having his own personal dispatch and having to book his own freight sounded great, but it takes an act of God to actually get the load that you want. James gets alerts on his phone when a load comes up on the board and then he competes with 8,000 other trucks for that load. Whoever calls first, gets it. James says if you wait 30 seconds the load is gone. I have been teasing him and telling him that he works for Landstar Wack-a-mole. Remember that game at the fair, where the little moles would pop up out of the hole and you had to hit them with a hammer before they crawled back in? James says that is a great description on how Landstar works, accept there are 8000 other people with a hammer standing beside you. So now James and my dad are going to go to a company called Rush. They have found a dedicated run hauling automotive parts that could possibly bring him home every night. So until we know more we will keep our fingers crossed and find things to do around here to keep us occupied until he makes it home. My fridge is spotless and so is my cabinets, and bedroom. James says he is hoping to make it home by next Thursday to start this new job. By then I may have completely cracked up.

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