Monday, January 19, 2009

Yesterday was a day of cleaning out the dust bunnies in the bedroom. I have been shuffling the babies around in the house because when Anthony doesn't feel well he bites, alot, and hard! Addison has had her fingers chomped so many times that I am surprised that she still has some left. I have our main activity area in the living room boxed in by the playard, we call it "their cage", and with our screen door on the nursery they are safe playing in their room too. That gives them plenty of room to roam around and stay out of trouble.

Addison spent some of her day in the bedroom with me "helping" me clean. Her favorite part was picking up the trail mix that had spilled out of my overnight bag I still hadn't unpacked from our Kamp Kidstuff. She would grab it and bring it over to me saying thank you, which sounds more like like "TaaaKuuuu". Shortly afterwards she moved onto placing pony tail holders she found on the floor in the bathtub. It was quite entertaining, because usually she gets caught finding treasures on the floor. When she finds something she will start singing to it. I have found that the octave of the song is in direct relation to how dangerous it is for her to have. So if you hear Addison singing like Mariah Carey you know she has found something really good! Another favorite part for Addison was the vacuum. She got mad at me when I would turn it on, not because of the noise, she just didn't like it moving around. She just wanted to squat by it and check it out. When I would start to vacuum she would stand behind me and push my legs with all of her might trying to get me to stop. I would turn off the vacuum and she would just squat beside it and talk to it. Too cute.

After I was finished with her "helping" me I took her into the nursery and let her loose on her toys while Anthony was in the living room "cage". I was listening to her on the monitor and didn't hear a beep. Victoria came into the bedroom and says to me "Come here and look at what your daughter did!". I make my way into the room to find this.....

Apparently I had forgotten that there was a box of Kleenex on the top shelf of her toys. She had decorated her room for me with a full box of Kleenex. She was so proud of herself! When I sat down and started shoving the Kleenex back in the box all I heard was "TaaaaKuuuu" coming from behind me.

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