Monday, January 26, 2009

Day 22 and counting...

James is on his way home from Utah this morning. We have been occupying our time here with Victoria spending the weekend with Mamaw and Papaw so that she could attend a wedding with them, a game night for me with Leslie and her sisters (this left me with a stomach ache from laughing) and a visit to Grandma and Grandpa's house that got cut short due to the weather.

While at Mom and Dad's house I explained to Victoria about living there when I was a kid (is age 25 still classified as "kid"). I told her that I used to go on "adventures" in the woods at the end of the field that they live in. After dinner we bundled up and took off leaving Grandma and Grandpa to spoil the babies. We had a ball stomping on corn stalks, and catching huge fluffy snowflakes on our tongues. After about a 15 minute hike we reached the woods and the adventure began. I helped her cross a dried up creek on a log and I showed her where I used to take books and read. We found a really cool blue bottle that we decided to keep and take back to Grandma. On the way back the snow was falling hard in big cotton ball flakes we could barely see the house as we made our way back up the row of cut corn.

One snowball later we were in the basement in the warmth. I noticed that someone scooted around the corner in their car and decided to take a test drive and see how the road were doing. Seems like Mom and Dad's house attracts the worst driving conditions. They can have 6 inches of snow and in New Albany we have nothing on the ground. Dad and I decided that it was best to go ahead and go home now while I still could drive safely. Victoria was crushed, but lit up when Grandma let her borrow Momma Mia, so that we had something to look forward to when we got home.

We enjoyed the night home, with a movie and popcorn and decided that we enjoyed Momma Mia so much that we watched Chicago too as the snow fell outside. My night ended with Reality TV and some late night cookie making. Cookies don't snuggle as well as my husband in bed.

Tonight starts my first night of Beth Moore's Esther Bible study. I am really excited about it. This will be my firs Beth Moore study and I hear that she is just amazing. I can't wait to see what I am going to learn through this.

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