Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Popcorn too

I have just been so impressed with Victoria's behavior lately that I decided to surprise her with a movie and popcorn. I have hung onto my hair money this week so that me and the kids could go out and have "date days". After getting everyone bathed and dressed we headed over to Great Escape 16 and saw Bedtime Stories. It was cute. Victoria was so excited to be sitting in a theatre especially with a bag of popcorn on her lap, and a stash of hidden snacks in our diaper bag :). We were the only ones in the theatre (I went to the first show on a Tuesday to make sure of that) We sat right in the front row. We really didn't have a choice the stroller wouldn't' go up stairs. The babies kicked back and watched the whole movie with big sissy and didn't make a peep till the last 10 minutes. Even at that I handed them their sippy cup and they were fine. I was so proud of my crew and it was great to get out of the house for a bit!

I had to share this. Our little Boogie is turning into a band director. I was watching some music videos on utube tonight and turned around to find Anthony leading the band atop his ice cream bucket. I thought I was doing the safe thing taking the handle off of it before I gave it to him but I guess I didn't take ALL safety issues into consideration.

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