Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Today as I began my Fly "shine the sink" day, which I have to admit looks really good, I began to clean off the kitchen counters.  I noticed Anthony fly out of the kitchen but didn't really think much about it.  About 15 minutes later I went to go check on him and found him laid out flat hiding something under his belly. This is his usual routine when he has something he isn't suppose to have.  I lifted his body up to find the lid to the brand new bottle of Flintstone gummie vitamins and the bottle laying next to it almost empty.  I began to panic and called the number on the bottle and spoke with the company to find that he will be fine and that the only thing that may happen is that he will have a stomach ache.  While on the phone Anthony is flexing his muscles at me and being Superman.  After finding out that he would be fine I had to laugh.  My solid muscle little boy just ate a 2 month supply of vitamins and is now wired for sound.  Later when I picked up the girls from school we headed to Walmart to get some stuff for dinner Anthony's energy had peaked and he was running in place when we stopped to put something in the cart.  Mak and I were laughing hysterically as he acted as though he had drank a case of 5 hour energy.  He finally crashed around 8:30 hard after a very entertaining night. 

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