Friday, February 11, 2011

Oh what a night!

I am not talking in a late Sept. '63 kind of way, it was one heck of a night!  Addison started crying and screaming her ear hurt around 9 last night.  I held her gave her Tylenol and nothing seems to help at all.  I finally got her to sleep around 1:30 this morning and she woke up every half hour just screaming.  I grabbed a washrag and put hot water on it to lay her head on.  She tried that for about 2 minutes and then she was over it.  She was then mad that her ear was hurting and that her favorite hippo washcloth was in a sandwich bag and hot. She didn't want anything touching her but wanted someone to help her.  I felt helpless.  At 2:00 when Addison finally fell asleep the first time Victoria started screaming from her room and was in a coughing fit and could barely breathe.  I slid ever so slowly out of my bed and went to rescue Victoria with some cough strips and Tylenol.  I had only left my bed and Addison for about 2 minutes when the screams from my bedroom began again "Mommy I want my ear to stop hurting."  (Insert cries of helpless mother here.)  Anthony needed to be checked for a pulse, he slept through the whole thing, even when Addison insisted she needed HER bed and continued to scream from there as I laid on the floor next to her.  I am in zombie mode and Aunt Flo decided to visit this morning too!  Yippee!  I hope you can hear the sarcasm. 

Thank God James is coming home today.  He has been gone 9 days and I miss him terribly.  He has been busting his butt and losing sleep trying to get home from Washington.  He will be home only tonight Saturday and leaving Sunday (while squeezing in Valentine's day, his birthday, Mak's sweet 16, Brooklyn's weekend to come over and helping his mom continue to fight Insurance companies before he leaves for California) Sounds like a fun filled weekend doesn't it?

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